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Energy Healing Classes
(In-Person And On Zoom)
Group Programs:
Group Meditations
Goddess Circles
Chakra and Sound Bowl Healing Circles
Quantum Field Manifestation Classes
Energy Healing Workshops: experiential learning of energy healing skills
Divine Goddess Retreats
I teach classes on a regular basis on a wide breadth of topics such as those listed below and more:
A Deep Dive into your Chakras and Auric Field
Building Healthy Energy Boundaries
Charting your Course through your (Third Eye) 6th Chakra
End Overgiving, People-pleasing, and Energy Vampires from your life
Manifesting Abundance of all kinds
Healing your Heart Chakra from Betrayal & Abandonment
Karmic and Ancestral Healing
Creating your life from the Quantum Field of Infinite Possibilities
Living with Neurodiversity, ADHD, and related disorders
Healing the Narcissistic Mother Wound
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